Three Weeks Or More Before Surgery:
There may be several weeks between your decision to have surgery and your actual surgical date. During this time there are several important considerations:
Practice Proper Skincare
Practicing good skincare is an important factor in your overall appearance and the quality of your skin. This includes gentle cleansing morning and evening, proper moisture and daily use of a broad spectrum sunscreen (at least SPF 30), whether you are expecting outdoor sun exposure, or just the incidental exposure of daily life. Proper skincare is also important to help you maintain your results.
Prepare And Plan
Schedule any time off of work, and any support you will need at home in the days following surgery, including housework, childcare, shopping and driving. Make certain a responsible adult is enlisted and confirmed to drive you to and from surgery, and that one is confirmed available to stay with you around the clock for 24 hours, at least, following surgery. Put your schedule together for the day before, day of and first few days following surgery. Share this with all of your key support people.
Stop Smoking
Smoking can greatly impair your ability to heal. You must be nicotine and smoke-free for at least 4 weeks prior to surgery. You must also be free of any nicotine patch or nicotine-based products for a minimum of 4 weeks prior to surgery
Lead A Healthy Lifestyle
In the weeks prior to surgery maintain the best of health and hygiene. A lingering cold, virus or other illness can result in your surgery being rescheduled. Make certain to address any illness immediately, and advise our office of any serious illness or change in your health.
Good Nutrition
Eat well during the weeks prior to surgery. Crash dieting, over-eating or high alcohol intake can greatly affect your overall health and well-being. A healthy, balanced diet is essential.
Relax And Enjoy Life
Stress and anxiety over life’s daily events, and even your planned surgery can affect you. While some anxiety is common, any serious stress, or distress over the thought of surgery is something you must discuss with our office. We are here to support you and answer all of your questions. We want your decision to be one of confidence.
Additionally, find your comfort zone. Locate the most comfortable place where you can gently recline and recover. You don’t want to be testing locations or pillows the day of surgery.